El Paso Matters sent questionnaires to every candidate in a contested primary race to help you decide who you want to represent you. Candidates were asked to limit their responses to 100 words. Responses have been lightly edited for grammar and to fit the word count.

County Court at Law No. 2: Democratic Primary

County courts have jurisdiction over all criminal cases involving Class A and Class B misdemeanors, as well as some civil cases.

Who’s running for this seat?


I am currently the incumbent and wish to continue serving the community in this capacity. I am passionate about my work and want to continue contributing to the improvement of the court system.


I’m running to replace Judge Julie Gonzalez so that County Court at Law 2 is a place where all staff, attorneys, defendants, witnesses and others with whom the court deals in an official capacity are treated with courtesy.


As a judge, I have tried hundreds of cases to verdict. The types of cases that this court handles vary from a possession of marijuana to family violence or DWIs. As a defense attorney for the Public Defenders office, I also tried several cases ranging from burglary of vehicle to murder. In addition, I have also tried some civil cases.


As a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, I’ve tried over fifty cases (criminal law cases to include felonies and misdemeanors).


I believe I am the better candidate because of my vast experience. I have specialized training in the work that the court does and have been doing the work for 26 years. In my 26 years on the bench, I have not had any negative publicity, a complaint, or a grievance filed against me with the Judicial Conduct Commission. I am proud of a record that reflects integrity, efficiency, and competence.


My criminal law experience is more extensive in regard to scope than is the current office holder’s, I have a reputation for treating those in the courtroom with respect and fairness, and I’m a hard worker (especially in regard to criminal law because it’s my love).


In 1995, when I was unanimously appointed by the Council of Judges to the position of Criminal Law Magistrate, I inherited a docket of 5,000 cases. Through hard work and an efficient staff we were able to significantly decrease the caseload. Although the pandemic has slowed the court system down, I am confident we will resume the speed of our operations.


As a prosecutor, I was assigned to CC7 under Judge Spieczny who had trial days twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays). It was very effective at ensuring Defendants had a speedy trial. I would take a page out of his book. The same could be done for motions to suppress, if necessary.


I do not believe in term limits for judges. I believe experience counts, and our decision making improves with time on the bench.


I believe I would continue to serve El Paso as the judge of County Court at Law 2 as long as I felt I was effectively serving the community and was the best person for the bench. That being said, I have no qualms about returning to private practice. I loved it!


I have been a lifelong democrat in the El Paso community.


County Court at Law 2 is responsible for misdemeanor criminal cases only. The judge’s role is to know the law, follow the law, to treat those who enter the courtroom with courtesy and patience, and to ensure that the docket is run efficiently (though not at the expense of justice). It really is not a partisan job; a criminal county court at law judge is not creating or passing legislation or ordinances. However, as we all know, Texas judicial candidates have to run under a party, and since my core beliefs most closely align with those of the Democratic party, I’m running in the Democratic primary.

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