El Paso Matters sent questionnaires to every candidate in a contested primary race to help you decide who you want to represent you. Candidates were asked to limit their responses to 100 words. Responses have been lightly edited for grammar and to fit the word count.

County Commissioner Precinct 4: Democratic Primary

The county commissioner is one of five members of Commissioners Court, which makes policy-making and budget decisions for county government.

Who’s running for this seat?


I am running because we need new representation. We need a County Commissioner that will attend meetings and be the voice for our community. When our County Commissioner is not in a meeting then we have no voice and our choice(s) are taken away. I am the best candidate because I will work full time as a County Commissioner. I will be dedicated and committed to the Northeast and Westside to include at times, all of El Paso. And will vote to insure that all parts of El Paso are considered fairly for all infrastructure projects. I volunteer all the time in our community and understand the concerns and the point of view from many in our community. 


I decided to run for this office because I am highly qualified, committed, and ready to serve. We need someone who is responsive to the constituents of Precinct 4. The incumbent has not been responsive or active in representing all of the constituents and unresponsive to the needs, problems, and concerns of the constituents. When a crisis hits our community like flooding, your current commissioner was absent. People in our community must resort to other government representatives for help. He has been consistently absent in attending meetings. You deserve better. I have a track record, as Trustee of the Canutillo Independent School District, in representing and overseeing a diverse constituency, and diverse economic groups.


I am running for this office to continue working for the residents of Precinct 4. My focus is to enhance infrastructure, improved quality of life and economic development in the county. I am the best qualified candidate because I have four-year experience, extensive knowledge, and desire to collaborate with the community to address their concerns and their issues. I am sensitive to their needs.


I would work with the Commissioners and Judge to work on keeping a balance of revenue and expenses for a balanced budget. Keep financial policies updated. Review the budget to see where minimal changes can be done to strengthen our community and not raise taxes. Some programs or events need to be downsized or may have to be put off for a while. Because we are still in a pandemic and the need is there to try to help our residents and small businesses. I would vote to continue to receive grants and infrastructure bills and programs to get funding in our communities. 


I would promote efficiencies in all our departments. Before we decide where we need to cut, if any, we need to audit certain functions to make sure we are efficient and in compliance with laws, regulations and county policies. The health care functions seem to have yearly budget increases, so we need to make sure the health care functions are operating efficiently. Additionally, we need to work on reducing the debt of the Children’s Hospital. See also answer to number 3.


We presently have a debt service that is lower than any other taxing entity in our region. I will continue to monitor our spending throughout the year to insure we stay at this level. As a Commissioner I will closely review our quarterly updates. That is the time to review closely and adjust our spending to minimize our debt.


Review the budget and focus on the safety of our community. Law enforcement is needed to protect because it is about helping our communities be safe. I would like to continue with the other Commissioners to vote for programs for more community involvement to keep us safe and aware of our community. A few ways would be: get involved in local organizations, know your neighbors, educate youth about bullying. Continue to plan by addressing justice infrastructure bills, grants and programs by the State and Federal government to gain funding for our community. I will engage in the conversations from the County staff when they are doing presentations. I will be able to vote according to that knowledge that I have gained from them and by having discussions with the residents of my community.


One of the things we need to do is invest in our mental health care for constituents. Unless you are in dire need of help, it is difficult to get mental health care treatment. These individuals then end up in the criminal justice system and stress the resources of the criminal case load and the community supervision and corrections department. Additionally, many individuals on misdemeanor probation are on probation for petty, often non-violent offenses. Many do not have “bad criminal records” and often do not have a high school diploma or a trade. I think many of those individuals can be funneled into the “El Paso Promise” program that I would like to see our community develop.


For the last 20 years we have been one of the safest city/counties in the nation. Public safety enhances the growth and economic development of our region. It is imperative that we maintain adequate law enforcement officers who are well trained and equipped to serve our community. We have managed to give employees raises without increasing our tax burden. Every entity reflects that public safety is the largest budget item because it includes salaries, maintenance of facilities, latest equipment, and vehicles. By paying a competitive wage, we can retain our public safety members. In our annual strategic planning sessions we are able to closely review the Sheriff’s short- and long-term plan to address the needs to maintain adequate public safety.


No, because we are trying to survive a pandemic There are so many families and businesses in our community dealing with so much loss. Loss of loved ones and income. That is why I don’t support a raise. This funding could be better used in another area of the budget for our community.


I support Commissioner’s Court Salary increases be commensurate with County employee raises.


I strongly opposed the increase in salaries during this last budget session. I do not feel that we should get a pay raise without having public input.


By using public infrastructure bills and programs this will increase our economy by boosting the productivity of private capital and labor which will lead to higher output. Economic output increases infrastructure spending by the government to stimulate demand and increase overall productivity. With increased productivity income levels in El Paso will grow.


Our Justices of the Peace are on the frontline of student dropouts and truancy. We need to establish a county-wide truancy program along with other local governments. There are resources available through the Governor’s office to assist us in this effort. Our probation department needs improvement in providing avenues for completion of high school diplomas and job training. In conjunction with our community college and other local governments we should establish “The El Paso Promise,” a program similar to one initiated in Dallas that is a coalition of school districts, colleges, universities, employers and local government that reduces barriers and supports students to succeed in college, careers and life with a commitment to securing a rewarding job in their career pathway.


To increase income levels in our county, we need to attract businesses that are at or higher than the county minimum wage which is presently at $13 an hour. The county employees benefit package along with their salary puts them in a competitive level.


Together if elected I would like to help work on finding any infrastructure bills or programs that can help our community with their property taxes, our seniors with housing and their medicines. And public transportation needs to be addressed to provide an affordable rate for the seniors and people with disabilities because these populations are growing and getting older. Keep addressing the pandemic because it is not over. Together we can learn more about the infrastructure bills that will provide resources from programs like Complete Streets and Safe Streets for All. This funding will be used to modernize buses, trains and transit stations, extend service and reduce costs for our users.


Our county needs to invest in upgrading our roads and provide solutions to the flooding problems. Additionally, we must upgrade our facilities to reduce the risk of communicable pathogens like Coronavirus. Additionally, we must invest in our County parks, water, sewer and waste management infrastructure.


When I am re-elected, flooding, drinking water, storm water, wastewater, and sewage will be my primary focuses for the unincorporated areas.

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